Your votes are in and we have a TIE for "Who would win the Gold in the Pole Vault". Donatello and Gambit! Maybe a pizza waiting for the winner? 27% Donatello 27% Gambit 24% Gandalf 21% Red Robin

Winner – Who would win the Gold in the Pole Vault

Your votes are in and we have a TIE for "Who would win the Gold in the Pole Vault".  Donatello and Gambit!  Maybe a pizza waiting for the winner?
27% Donatello
27% Gambit
24% Gandalf
21% Red Robin
Your votes are in and we have a TIE for “Who would win the Gold in the Pole Vault”. Donatello and Gambit! Maybe a pizza waiting for the winner?
27% Donatello
27% Gambit
24% Gandalf
21% Red Robin
Posted in Vote and tagged .

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