Board Games

Need a Boardgame store? Look no further than Comic Quest, located in Lake Forest, California! We are dedicated to providing our customers with a wide selection of the latest and greatest boardgames, including strategy games, party games, and family games. Whether you’re a seasoned boardgamer or just starting out, we have something for everyone.

Picture of Comic books available at Comic Quest in Lake Forest California

Our store is regularly updated with new boardgames from popular brands and indie publishers. We carry a wide variety of games from different genres such as fantasy, science fiction, and historical games. You’ll find classic favorites like Settlers of Catan and Carcassonne, as well as the latest releases like Gloomhaven and Terraforming Mars. Our knowledgeable and passionate staff can give you tips and advice on how to choose the perfect boardgame to suit your interests and skill level. Visit us today at Comic Quest and discover the world of boardgaming!