Your votes are in, and you want Remy to cook your Thanksgiving dinner. You are able to look having a rat in your kitchen in order to have a delicious meal. Thanks to all who voted and shared their reasoning. Some of you are quite passionate about Thanksgiving cooking. --Remy 45% --Alfred 22% --Swedish Chef 22% --Aunt May 11%

Winner – Who do you want to cook on Thanksgiving?

Your votes are in, and you want Remy to cook your Thanksgiving dinner.  You are able to look having a rat in your kitchen in order to have a delicious meal.
Thanks to all who voted and shared their reasoning.  Some of you are quite passionate about Thanksgiving cooking.
--Remy 45%
--Alfred 22%
--Swedish Chef 22%
--Aunt May 11%
Your votes are in, and you want Remy to cook your Thanksgiving dinner. You are able to look having a rat in your kitchen in order to have a delicious meal.
Thanks to all who voted and shared their reasoning. Some of you are quite passionate about Thanksgiving cooking.
–Remy 45%
–Alfred 22%
–Swedish Chef 22%
–Aunt May 11%
Posted in Vote and tagged .

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