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Dungeons & Dragons

October 1 @ 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Dungeons and Dragons logo

When do we play?

How does this work?


Hello! We play D&D 5e on Wednesday nights, 7-9 pm, in-person at Comic Quest in Lake Forest. If you are looking to join one of CQ’s Wednesday night D&D 5e groups, here’s what you need to know.

First, join our Discord Server, which is the primary way that we organize and discuss regularly scheduled D&D groups and events.  ** Once there, please look at Start Here for general information. Link to our Discord server: https://discord.gg/vj2xcfD

No experience with D&D is required, but different tables and DMs may have preferences. If you are interested in learning how to play there are “learn to play” sessions approximately once a month.

Our games are frequently full.  Whether there is room at any given table changes week to week, so you have to post a message on the channel of any table you think you might be interested in to see if there are currently openings, as priority goes to regularly attending players. Some tables have PINNED information about their campaigns (click on the push-pin looking icon on the top ribbon of each campaign).  Also, we often run a 1-shot table which is open to new players.

Facebook Group

What do I need to play?

Please check in with the DM of the table/game you are joining for these details, but some helpful items:

  • A character sheet (either your own or the pre-generated)
  • A writing utensil (Pencil, Pen)
  • Appropriate dice for your character
  • Appropriate source material for your character (basic book, Players Handbook, ability cards, whatever floats your boat)
  • A miniature (optional, but helpful)

We also have a Discord server: https://discord.gg/vj2xcfD](https://discord.gg/vj2xcfD?fbclid=IwAR3KLXW32PY__0KkFJjOwkw0HKpYYQMb-Cgr5HUSvDvXbl-SMZOmS0uaKXo)


October 1
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
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Comic Quest
23811 Bridger #111 CA 92630
Lake Forest, CA 92630 United States
+ Google Map
(949) 951-9668
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