Vote Winner: Your votes are in, and the the person you DO NOT want to spend time a long flight is Gollum. They all were bad, but he would be tough on a long flight. “My Precious” this and “My Precious” that…dude, I just want to eat my microwaved omelet and get some sleep. Sorry […]
Tag Archives: Vote
Winner – What’s Your Favorite Holiday Movie?
Your votes are in, and your favorite Holiday movie is Die Hard. “Come out to the coast, we’ll get together, have a few laughs”. –Die Hard 36% –How the Grinch Stole Christmas 34% –Christmas Store 16% –It’s A Wonderful Life 14% Thanks to everyone who voted and shared their holiday memories.
Winner – Who’s Your Favorite Elf?
Your votes are in, and your favorite Elf is Legolas. He probably isn’t very good at making presents for Santa, but if there is a Orc invasion at the North Pole, he’s your guy. –Legolas 39% –Buddy 23% –Dobby 21% –Hermey 17% thanks to all who vote! Happy Holidays from the CQ staff. Don’t […]
Winner – Who do you want to cook on Thanksgiving?
Your votes are in, and you want Remy to cook your Thanksgiving dinner. You are able to look having a rat in your kitchen in order to have a delicious meal. Thanks to all who voted and shared their reasoning. Some of you are quite passionate about Thanksgiving cooking. –Remy 45% –Alfred 22% –Swedish Chef […]
Winner – What Bird do you want to EAT for Thanksgiving?
Your votes are in and you want to EAT Foghorn Leghorn for Thanksgiving. He does provide a lot of meat, and eating a duck who wears clothes seems wrong. So great choice. Thanks to all who voted, and those who gave their in depth rationale for who they chose. What Bird do you want […]
Winner – What’s the WORST Candy?
Your votes are in, and you think Circus Peanuts are worst Halloween candy. They don’t taste like peanuts and you can’t find them in a circus. But all the candy is pretty bad. Thanks to all who voted, and those brave enough to sample the terrible candy! –Circus Peanuts 43% –Candy Wax Bottles 26% –Candy […]
Winner – Who is your favorite Ghost?
Your votes and in, and your favorite Ghost is the force ghost of Obi-Wan Kenobi. Thanks for the assist in the whole Death Star exploding thing Obi-Wan’s Ghost. –Obi-Wan Kenobi 50% –Casper 22% –Moaning Myrtle 15% –Deadman 13% thanks to all who voted, and shared their favorite ghosts.
Winner – Who is your favorite Witch?
Your votes are in and the Scarlet Witch is your favorite Witch. –Scarlet Witch 43% –Sabrina 26% –Wicked Witch of the West 24% –Agatha Harkness 7% thanks to all who voted!
Winner – Who is your favorite Singer?
Your votes are in, and Jigglypuff is your favorite singer. –Jigglypuff 40% –Miku 30% –Black Canary 16% –Dazzler 15% thanks to all who voted, and even some of you who broke into song.
Winner – Who are the best TRIO?
Your votes are in, and your best Trio is the 3 Musketeers. They do make a fine candy bar, so you can’t fault those who selected them. –3 Musketeers 43% –Snap, Crackle, Pop 31% –3 Bears 13% –3 Little Pigs 13% Thanks to all who voted, and shared their voting choices.