Your votes are in, and your favorite Pie is Apple Pie. It was probably the closest vote ever! mmm.... Apple Pie.... --Apple Pie 28% --Pi 28% --Pinkie Pie 22% --Pot Pie 21% Thanks to all who voted, and shared their decision process in choosing their Pie.

Winner – What’s the Best Pie?

Your votes are in, and your favorite Pie is Apple Pie. It was probably the closest vote ever!  mmm.... Apple Pie....
--Apple Pie 28%
--Pi 28%
--Pinkie Pie 22%
--Pot Pie 21%

Thanks to all who voted, and shared their decision process in choosing their Pie.
Your votes are in, and your favorite Pie is Apple Pie. It was probably the closest vote ever! mmm…. Apple Pie….
–Apple Pie 28%
–Pi 28%
–Pinkie Pie 22%
–Pot Pie 21%
Thanks to all who voted, and shared their decision process in choosing their Pie.
Posted in Vote and tagged .

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