Your votes are in, and Jigglypuff is your favorite singer. --Jigglypuff 40% --Miku 30% --Black Canary 16% --Dazzler 15% thanks to all who voted, and even some of you who broke into song.

Winner – Who is your favorite Singer?

Your votes are in, and Jigglypuff is your favorite singer.
--Jigglypuff 40%
--Miku 30%
--Black Canary 16%
--Dazzler 15%

thanks to all who voted, and even some of you who broke into song.
Your votes are in, and Jigglypuff is your favorite singer.
–Jigglypuff 40%
–Miku 30%
–Black Canary 16%
–Dazzler 15%
thanks to all who voted, and even some of you who broke into song.
Posted in Vote and tagged .

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