Your votes are in, and you think Charizard is responsible for the hot summer we had. Charizard 43% Phoenix 33% Ghost Rider 12% Human Torch 11% Thanks to all who voted. A new vote starts right away.

Winner – Who’s Your Favorite Elf?

Your votes are in, and your favorite Elf is Legolas. He might help in the Lord of the Rings, but I doubt he is much good making presents with Santa? 33% Legolas 31% Dobby 18% Hermey 18% Buddy Thanks to everyone who voted, and shared their elf stories. A new vote starts right away.
Your votes are in, and your favorite Elf is Legolas. He might help in the Lord of the Rings, but I doubt he is much good making presents with Santa?
33% Legolas
31% Dobby
18% Hermey
18% Buddy
Thanks to everyone who voted, and shared their elf stories.
A new vote starts right away.
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