Your votes are in, and Darth Vader is your favorite 'Vader'. As he is the only Vader that can force choke you, it make sense. --Darth Vader 47% --Space Invader 22% --The Invaders 17% --Wonka-Vator 15% Thanks to all who voted. A new vote starts right away.

Winner – Who’s Your Favorite ‘Vader’?

Your votes are in, and Darth Vader is your favorite 'Vader'. As he is the only Vader that can force choke you, it make sense. --Darth Vader 47% --Space Invader 22% --The Invaders 17% --Wonka-Vator 15% Thanks to all who voted. A new vote starts right away.
Your votes are in, and Darth Vader is your favorite ‘Vader’. As he is the only Vader that can force choke you, it make sense.
–Darth Vader 47%
–Space Invader 22%
–The Invaders 17%
–Wonka-Vator 15%
Thanks to all who voted. A new vote starts right away.
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